Challenge Update: Low Carb Journey
So last Monday, I talked about the challenge of “taking care of me“, and I said I was going to be writing an update every Monday…. so grab a cup of coffee, here we go…
Overall last week was a pretty amazing week for me even though there are a few rough patches that I am working through.
Right now, I am grinning like a Cheshire cat (in fact my cheeks hurt from smiling so much the last couple of days)…. doing the happy dance….. jumping up and down and celebrating small victories!!!
I joined the 90 Day Low Carb Challenge, and am adopting a LCHF (Low Carb High Fat) way of eating.
I am absolutely thrilled with the results of the first week. I have lost 10.5 pounds and am feeling a lot more alert, energetic and focused!!!!!
I’m finding it pretty easy so far. The entire key to this WOE (way of eating) is to make sure your net carbs (carbs-fiber) stays under 20 each day. Instead of fueling my system with carbs that turn into sugar and basically do really nasty things to my blood sugar levels, I am fueling my system from healthy fats.
It’s kind of been a fun week because I’ve actually got my mother doing it along with me, and last night my aunt said she was interested in jumping on board as well. It makes it easier to have an accountability partner. I tell you what, I can hardly wait to wake up in the morning and jump on the scale.
I can already feel it… in just one week. My tummy isn’t protruding quite so far, I don’t have that 2 PM fall asleep at the keyboard kind of sugar crash, the huge amount of inflammation in my body is starting to lessen and it doesn’t hurt quite as much, AND when I’m hungry, I eat!
So excited!!!
And to make sure that I am keeping it healthy, I have actually been trying “new to me” foods in the process. Yesterday, I had my first ever avocado!! It wasn’t bad. Not super fond of the texture, but the people in the low carb group gave me some great suggestions and ideas to try for next time.
I also had asparagus, and spinach this week. All of these wonderfully healthy foods have never graced my dinner table before. And they weren’t awful…. In fact, over all I really enjoyed them!!!
The awesomeness is spilling over into other areas of my life as well.
I don’t feel so bitchy all the time! I’m sure people around me are enjoying that part LOL
In other News…. 😉
What else has been going on in my world….
July was the worst month I’ve ever had with regards to my eCommerce side of my business. Sales were down more than half, and that sucked bad.
I have been really staying focused to list more items as well as get rid of items that I had listed that have not been selling. The work is paying off as I am noticing my sales are starting to increase daily to where they were last month. I’m still not out of it completely… but I will be soon. So YAY!!
This is the time that I need to spend energy and effort building and preparing for a rocking 4th quarter.
My brother, sister-in-law and nephew were here for a visit and family BBQ. Love spending time with family. My brothers family is super busy, and so we don’t really get a visit in more than once or twice a year, so I cherish that time.
BTW – this could be a starting pic for me on this low carb eating (and I currently HATE getting pictures taken)
We also had issues with wasps around the house last week. No fun, but I think they’ve been taken care of for the most part.
I kind of feel like I’ve abandoned my series on procrastination, but I have been having so much fun posting about other stuff the last few days. We will dive into the last bit in the series this week.
Okay guys…. my coffee is empty and I have a sh*t ton of stuff I want to get accomplished today.
Would love to hear what has been going on in your world?!
Talk Soon,
P.S. Be sure to connect with me on Facebook, Google Plus, or LinkedIn
It’s Garage Sale Day: Learn How To Cash In
Are you the type of person that every year cleans out the garage, reorganizes the kitchen and all the kids toys to spend an entire weekend trying to sell the stuff that you know longer want to other people? One man’s trash is another man’s treasure, right?
Well today has been designated as Garage Sale Day! (yup they have even designated a day for that).
We need people like you!! Garage Sales are a huge summer pass time. With out people like you who have the garage sales the rest of us would have nothing fun to do on a Saturday morning. Continue reading
How to Get Rid of Wasp Nests?
One of the few things that can put a downer on summertime fun. Especially when you have people in your world that are deathly afraid of them and scream to high heaven any time a wasp enters their 20 foot little safety bubble of personal space!! lol.
I remember when I use to go camping a lot with my boys (for years we had a permanent sight and spent most of the summer at the lake) every single meal outdoors was an issue. The pesky little buggers would swoop in and destroy any kind of fun picnic or BBQ.
Back at home, it seems like almost every year I have a new nest somewhere in my yard. Some years they don’t bother much and are away from heavy traffic areas, but this year they have made their nest right beside my back door. The kids scream every time they go outside, and even things like taking the trash out have become a “hazardous” chore!!.
Since the nest is right inside a crack in the wall (going under my sun-room add-on), there is no way to remove it. I know many people would say just go and by some Raid wasp spray and then go in and spray the nest in the evening. That’s all fine and good. I am not squeamish around one or two even a half dozen wasps trying to invade my outdoor BBQ BUT I am not much into angry wasp mobs!
My answer is always to pay the money and call the exterminator. Because I had 2 nests this year (another right under my sun-room), there was an additional charge so I ended up paying $168.00 just to get rid of them!!
I paid the money of course, I would rather have my family safe and not feeling like they don’t want to be outside, but jeez that that seems like a lot for a some wasps!!! It would have been much nicer to spend on some enjoyable summertime fun.
I actually asked the question on Facebook the other day, are you a DIYer when it comes to wasp control, or do you call the exterminator.
So now, I’m thinking I want to find something that will prevent them from nesting in my yard to begin with.
I’ve heard that these kind of things work. If wasps think there is already a nest they will not come and make another one? I’m doubtful at best.
This Waspinator is a different variety of these “natural deterrents” and actually has some not bad reviews on Amazon. Maybe it’s worth giving it a try.
What I would like to know is how to you deal with these summer time pests?
Have you had any luck with products that get rid of them and even better yet prevent them from nesting in your yard? Are you a DIYer or are you like me and end up spending summer fun money on wasp extermination?!
Help!!! All suggestions are welcome!!
Talk soon,
Today is Work Like a Dog Day
Today has actually been designated “Work Like a Dog” Day. When I saw this, in intrigued me a bit, and I wanted to take a close look.
Now we’re not talking about the pet dogs that we have laying around the house all day. Most often their hardest “work” is finding the most comfy position for their next nap lol, or greeting you when you come home at the end of a long day. Continue reading
Challenge: Taking Care of Me
As part of my (not quite) Empty Nest Journey, one of my main goals is to start taking care of me and my own health challenges and needs.
I don’t know if any other mothers out their can relate (kidding this is a HUGE problem for moms everywhere). When you become a care-giver, you put the needs of others first and tend to not worry so much about your own needs, your own health, and your own interests. Continue reading
- Understanding Anger Issues: Signs, Impact, and Coping Strategies
- Crisis Mode: Navigating the Chaos of Midlife and Emerging Stronger
- Navigating the Midlife Maze: Understanding When and How Women Experience a Midlife Crisis
- Understanding Unexplained Sadness in Women: Causes and Coping Strategies
- Unlocking the Mystery: Why Doesn’t Caffeine Affect Me?