It’s Garage Sale Day: Learn How To Cash In

Are you the type of person that every year cleans out the garage, reorganizes the kitchen and all the kids toys to spend an entire weekend trying to sell the stuff that you know longer want to other people?  One man’s trash is another man’s treasure, right?

Well today has been designated as Garage Sale Day!  (yup they have even designated a day for that).



We need people like you!! Garage Sales are a huge summer pass time.  With out people like you who have the garage sales the rest of us would have nothing fun to do on a Saturday morning.

Two of my best friends are avid Garage Salers, they go out almost every Saturday just to see if they can find any new treasures. I go with them sometimes, except I find that I buy things that I “think” I am going to use, but never end up using lol.

garagesale-image12The reason that I enjoy going out to garage sales with is more a social thing.  It gives me some valuable time sharing with friends, but it also gets me out and interacting with real live people.  Working from home, it is important to get out from behind the desk and just go and have fun.

The whole “garage sale” concept of is beautiful, especially in time that we live in.  After all isn’t having a garage sale really just a big exercise in recycling?  If you aren’t using something why not try and sell it to make a bit of profit.  AND if you are looking to buy something, and don’t want to pay big bucks, you can find some unbelievably good deals.

I remember back when I was a young adult, I outfitted my entire first apartment with items that I purchased from garage sales.  It was the only way I could afford furniture.  I have another dear friend who move all the time for his job (and is a senior executive in the top of his field).  He never goes to buy anything new.  And when he moves he only brings with him whatever he can fit in the SUV.  It’s certainly not that he can’t afford new furniture or the expense of a moving truck, but for him it’s just a matter of being resourceful and not being wasteful.

There is one more reason that you should start making it out to garage sales.

And that is, an additional source of income.  It’s true!  Shopping at garage sales and finding items at a really good price can actually make you money.  You buy items at a super low price, and then list the items for sale on eBay for profit.

Selling items on eBay is a great way to start earning a bit of extra cash.  You can start small and just plan to make an extra couple hundred dollars a month.  This helps to establish your eBay account, get you some feedback, and get you out of the “newbie” phase of Paypal (what is often referred to as Paypal jail).


Once you have an established eBay account and are out of Paypal jail, you can continue listing items except for now, with some training, you can really start to make a significant amount of extra income every single month.  In fact, this is how I make the bulk of my income.  I use big established platforms like eBay and Amazon to help me sell products and make profits.

I do this by selling high, and then buying low.  It’s a little bit of a reverse concept, but one the works amazingly well.

  • I don’t have to carry any inventory
  • I don’t have to spend money on product before I have a sale for the product
  • I don’t have to worry about having product that doesn’t sell
  • It’s so simple to do.

So when you go out to garage this weekend, start thinking about all those treasures in a different way.  Instead of saying to yourself, “Oh, this is cute but I’ll never use it.”.  Start saying, “Wow this is cute, I wonder how much I could sell it for!!”

School is starting up and then it’s fall, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas.  That means two things to any parent.

First:  Holy cow kids are expensive!  School fees, school supplies, school clothes, sports, Halloween costumes, Christmas presents yada, yada, yada…..  this list of upcoming expenses just keep growing.

Second:  How can I make the extra money that I need so that my kids can enjoy all of these experiences and provide them with a comfortable lifestyle?

For a simple $20 investment in yourself and in your family.  I can show you how I make my income doing exactly what I just described.  This is the perfect time of year to start making some extra money online, because this is when people start spending money online to buy all of things they need, and because this is the time of year when you need to pay for all those upcoming expenses.

I’m excited to talk with you and help you to get started.  Wouldn’t it be cool if this year you didn’t have to max out the credit cards just to stay a float?


Talk Soon,




P.S.  Be sure to connect with me on Facebook, Google Plus, or LinkedIn



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