Dual Computer Monitors and Home Office Organization
Yesterday I told you about how I was in a panic because my computer monitor was dying. Although I normally buy online, this was a bit of a desperate situation for me and so I went out and picked up a couple of monitors locally.
I’ve always wanted to have dual monitors for my at home business. So this was the perfect opportunity.
But then, you know how it goes, once I started setting up the monitors, first I did not have the correct connector cable, then I need more storage to organize my work space and so by the end of Thursday, my desk and work space was in complete disarray. Continue reading
Panic and New Dual Computer Monitors
It started on Wednesday night. My desktop monitor started going black/blank. I’ve known for quite some time that I need to get a new monitor, the print was fuzzy in some areas and that sort of thing. The one I was using is probably 8 years old, and is on all day/night, EVERY day/night!!
If you’re anything like me, you tend to put things off until they become a panic. Well that’s what happened!!
If I don’t have a functioning computer, I lose my mind FAST!!!! Continue reading
My Low Carb Journey: Week Two Update
Alright so….
I started a new WOE (Way of Eating) 2 weeks ago today. One of my goals and plans is to get healthy enough to really be able to enjoy my upcoming empty nest lifestyle.
I have always been overweight but over the course of the last 10-12 years I have really let my self get to that “extreme” that is no longer even comfortable to be in my own skin. I’ve been telling myself for several years that after my kids are taken care of and it is just me, I would really need to work on getting healthy and dropping the insane amount of weight that I have put on. Continue reading
Procrastination – Thief of Time and How I am Learning to Break Free
I’ve been doing this whole long series on procrastination, and figured that this video from Ellen would be kind of a fun way to wrap it all up. Procrastination is a thief of our time. I have learned a few things about myself during the past few weeks, and thought that would be a good way to wrap it up. Continue reading
Somedays You Just Don’t Feel Like It!
This is the last entry in the series I have been doing about procrastination. Ironically, it has taken the longest to put up mainly because I haven’t really felt like writing it and so I have been procrastinating! (lol)
I started this series a few weeks ago, trying to figure out why it is that I procrastinate so much, and what in fact I can to to change it.
- I opened the series with how procrastination can seriously be hurting you and your business.
- Then we talked about how fear can really cripple you, both fear of failure AND fear of success.
- Next was the topic that so many at-home-entrepreneurs face….. PERFECTIONISM! (Ack)
- From there we went into how lack of knowledge can lead to procrastination.
- And then I talked about MY biggest problem and that is Self Sabotage!!! (grrrr)
- Next we talked a bit about feeling overwhelmed and how we can try to pull things back into perspective and concentrate on priorities.
- Another reason to procrastinate is simply that we don’t feel motivated to get the job done, and this is what I talked about in the my last post.
- Understanding Anger Issues: Signs, Impact, and Coping Strategies
- Crisis Mode: Navigating the Chaos of Midlife and Emerging Stronger
- Navigating the Midlife Maze: Understanding When and How Women Experience a Midlife Crisis
- Understanding Unexplained Sadness in Women: Causes and Coping Strategies
- Unlocking the Mystery: Why Doesn’t Caffeine Affect Me?