Procrastination Can Be Seriously Hurting You (and your Business)

procrastinationProcrastination can be seriously hurting you, and your business!

I chose this topic because it is something that I struggle with almost daily, and because I just finished an easy read on the subject of procrastination.

Heck, I even procrastinated about getting this post started, lol.  Most of the time I don’t mean to procrastinate, I start of the day with very good intentions.  But then minute by minute and hour by hour the day marches on and I am left at the end feeling like I have accomplished nothing.  I go to bed disappointed, frustrated, and vowing that tomorrow will be different.

Let’s take today for example.  It is only 8:00 AM as I am writing this.  I woke up at 6.  For two hours, I have been struggling, and wasting time and look – now already 2 hours of my day is *POOF* Gone! I am currently involved in a challenge for the month of July about getting more done in less time.  One of my objectives is to blog for 30 minutes a day, first thing in the morning.

Procrastination is a real problem for me in so many areas of both my personal and business life.  Things like: consistently getting money tasks accomplished, blogging daily, taking time out for me, expanding my eCommerce business,  getting healthy, eating better, getting enough sleep, and I really could go on and on with this list.

So I really have been thinking about WHY procrastination is such a problem and what I can do about it because if it is such a problem for me, I know it is a huge problem for everyone.  I’ve come up with kind of list of areas that I feel contribute to my procrastination.

  1. Fear.
  2. Perfectionist Mentality.
  3. Don’t know How.
  4. Self Sabotage.
  5. Feeling Overwhelmed.
  6. Lack of Motivation.
  7. It’s Way too boring.
  8. I just don’t feel like it.
  9. Easily Distracted

I would have to say that is my top 9 list of why I procrastinate.  I should probably make it a list of 10 things… and maybe I will.  But this is what I am going with for now (so I don’t spend more time procrastinating on what number 10 should be)

By the way – it’s now 11:08 and this blog post still isn’t finished.  Granted I have had appointments and other responsibilities this morning.  But, it could have easily been up and posted by 8:00 this morning and I could have been moving on to other tasks.

Alright, now that I have the list of things that cause the procrastination – let’s take a look into each one, analyze it a bit and come up with some solutions.

But I will do that in coming days, as kind of a series.

eat-that-frogAs I mentioned earlier, I just finished a great book on the subject.  It’s not a new book, but one I found very helpful.  It’s called Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy.  It was a quick read and Brian broke it down so it was easy to read.  The book is only 117 pages but has 21 different chapters in it.

I like books like this because they are great books to carry in your purse.  I enjoyed being able to pull it out and read a chapter or two when I was waiting (doctors appointments, waiting to pick up kids or whatever).

Great book – you should grab a copy.

Anyway, enough said for today.  In the coming days I’m going to explore each of the my 9 reasons for procrastination individually.  I would love to hear your thoughts on the matter.  If you would like to follow along, make sure you’re subscribed to my list.

Talk soon,




P.S.  Okay 11:37 and it’s FINALLY ready to publish lol.

Tomorrow I’ll get into why fear causes procrastination.  This is a really big one for me.  Remember to follow along.



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