Frustration to ME is… I need some Monday Motivation

No Gain, No Loss, No PROGRESS!

I have really been working at getting these extra pounds off that I’ve put back on since my life went crazy (again) back in August.

I’m feeling stuck and frustrated. 

Since the new year, and especially since February, I have been back on my keto way of eating.  I’ve even started using My Fitness Pal again to log my daily food macros. 

I know that even when I think I’m watching what I am doing it is easy to get off track.  I need to watch exactly what goes in my mouth.

I’m not alone in this feeling, am I? I just have to say UGH!!!

It almost feels like I’m starting over again from the beginning, when I was HUGE!

I know I am not anywhere near that, nor will I ever allow myself to get that out of control again.  Since this pic was taken in July of 2017, I had gained back 20 pounds of what I had lost.

I am trying desperately to lose that and the last 13 pounds that I needed to complete my weight loss goal of becoming my Better Half.

So far in February, I have lost 5 pounds!

It is Tony Robbins that says, “Progress equals Happiness”.

It really feels like that’s true.  I have made a tiny bit of progress, but I use to easily drop 5 pounds in a week, lol.  Am I just being impatient at the progress that I am making?

Progress has always been a big factor in happiness for me.  Whether it is with my health goals, with my life goals, or with my business.

I am busy all of the time doing things, but sometimes I feel like it’s all just busy work and that I’m not making any real strides forward.   That’s what I am feeling this week, and that’s the feeling that really frustrates me.

Making forward progress if even in one area helps a lot, and makes a gal feel as though she can succeed in other areas as well.


I kind of feel like this is a venting post, and I don’t mean for it to be (sorry) but, WAHHHHHHH!!

Okay, enough of the pity party!!

It’s a brand new day, and a brand new week.  Here is to making some strides forward in at least one area (if not many areas) of life!!

I know what I have to do, and I will continue to do it.  One of my intentions from this year is to live a healthy life, and that does include getting down to my goal weight.

Two things that I can change immediately this week that will likely get me off this plateau:

  1. I’ve gotten in a really bad habit of having a treat (or several treats) of Russell Stover Sugar Free Chocolates everyday.  My favorite is the pecan clusters.  It started off as a treat, but it’s turned into a bad habit that needs to go.
  2. The other is a combination of drinking more water which I have a really hard time with in the winter, and getting more sleep. The water is something I will just force myself to do.  The sleep is a bit of a different matter with my busy house and babies, some days that’s not entirely possible.

Because Monday is weigh-in day, I would love to hear from you?  How are you doing with YOUR health goals, and what’s working for you?

I need some Monday motivation, and inspiration please, can you help?


Talk soon,




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