Miss Molly is getting a Big Surprise

Miss Molly is gonna be so thrilled!!!

I went ahead and ordered the Bark Box for her!

I’ve been eyeing up the Bark Box on Facebook for months but just never really knew if I wanted to spend the money on it.  Last week I had to go buy more treats for her and that’s when I decided I was going to give it  a try.

I finally decided to do it, and I’ll tell you why (for me, in my busy house) it makes sense:

  • Molly is a big dog, she goes through a lot of treats so I am spending money on that monthly anyway.
  • I don’t like giving Molly anything that is low quality for her snacks, food or chews.
  • She gets bored quickly (she’s not even 2 years old), getting new toys may keep her busy
  • If she doesn’t have anything to chew that is hers, she chews the babies toys.
  • My house is such a busy one, she often times get the left overs in my time and energy and I don’t like that.
  • She such a good girl and gets along with all my kids so well (even when they are lying on top of her)
  • I love that this subscription box ships to both the United States AND Canada
  • Why not?

Each month, she will get a new box of treats and surprises.  I’ve signed up for the 6 month subscription right now to give the product a good try and then I will see if I continue from there.

I got a notice this morning that it has already shipped, so we should be getting it within the next couple of weeks.  Being that I live in Canada, it will take a bit longer to get here, but I love the fact that they ship to Canada for free.

The Bark Box has many different themes that you can choose from depending on what you (and your fur-baby like).  They also have a place that you can specify the size of your dog to send appropriate items (at no extra charge).

I was so excited when I finally decided to order ours that I think I forgot to choose a theme, so I guess it will be an even bigger surprise lol.

I am super excited and can hardly wait to go through the Bark Box and share with you what’s in it.

If you have a dog, or are a dog lover, click to check out all of the cool themes that you can choose from.


Talk soon,




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