In the Midst of Chaos

I know I have been fairly silent this past week, we’ve had a bit of a distraction at my house.

Last week was a seriously chaotic week for me. 

As you may or may not know, I have been a foster parent for almost 20 years.  As is often the case when fostering, you never know when your home will be needed, and you just need to kind of roll with the punches, and “wing it” so to speak when new kids come into your world.

Such was the case for me last week when I had 2 youngsters delivered to me in the middle of the night.  We’ve been getting emergency beds ready in the middle of the night, then moving bedrooms around to accommodate the two new youngsters and so on.

My main objective and goal has been to make the children feel safe, welcome, and happy.  After that it is necessary to get medical/health checks to ensure they are healthy and then  to find clothes, programs, and schools to give them stability.

As you can well imagine, this is a very scary event for any youngster to go through and kids that come into care are here often because they are coming out of pretty bad situations.  Getting kids to a place where they aren’t scared and missing home, and feeling safe is a really big deal.

Everything else in my world this week has been put on the “back burner” while I have been busy doing the foster mom hustle.

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We have a new school year starting after the long weekend in September and we need to get the children registered and prepared for that.  After the school year is underway, things should start to settle back into the new normal.

I haven’t had school age kids in my home for a couple of years, so it will be challenging and fun getting into the school year schedule.  We will be doing a lot of shopping for clothes, school supplies and things they need for the day to day.

In the midst of this chaos, I have to remember though to Take Care of ME!

I will freely admit that I have let my eating completely suffer this week, and I was a bit angry at myself for that.  When I woke up and got on the scale, I am up 2 full pounds!

Here it is, the month of my two year anniversary for eating a healthy lowcarb keto lifestyle, and I have totally messed it up this past week.


I’ve had to sit myself down and give me a talking to. This is kind of the conversation I had in my head:   First of all I am allowed to make mistakes!  BUT I need to recognize the mistake immediately, and move on.  Putting everybody else but myself first in my world is what got me into the unhealthy mess that I was in the first place.

So.  I have had a minor blip on my lowcarb healthy keto lifestyle.  And that ends today.  I am not even waiting for the next 90 Day Low Carb Challenge to get underway in September.  I am back on taking care of me now!

This is a conscious decision and commitment that I have made for myself and to myself to LOVE ME ENOUGH to put me as my number one priority.  I am worth it and I do love myself that much.

I will be working toward finding a bunch of stuff that is for cooking healthy LCHF keto meals that can either be enjoyed by the entire family, or that can be slightly adapted to be enjoyed by the entire family.

The thing is, with a house full of Littles, and working a few businesses on the side, this is going to be one busy home and one extremely busy mama.  It will be important to find things that involve very little prep, and that can be set and forget.  And I am actually very excited about that.

My Slow cooker is going to be a big part of my life this fall.  Speaking of…. my old one broke, so I guess I need to get a new one ordered today.

What I am thankful and grateful for at this moment in time:

  • Thankfully, I am healthy, happy and able to manage this.
  • Thankfully, I have an amazing support system of family and friends that are here to help.
  • Thankfully, I this is NOT my first time at the rodeo, and I know that organization and planning is key.
  • Thankfully,  the coffee in my home is always on, brewed and fresh!
  • Thankfully, I have a pretty cool group of kids to be sharing life with right now!
  • Very thankfully – School starts in a week! 😉

What are your big plans these last few lazy days of August?

I would love to hear what you are doing to prepare for the fall and back to school hustle.



Talk soon,




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