Gramping with 8 Kids – Will I EVER Do it Again?

Making Summer Fun for my Kids (and not all about scary pandemics, prejudices, and global problems).


So far, 2020 has been completely INSANE!

In 5 or 10 years from now, as adults, looking back on 2020 we will probably think: “WOW that was one crazy messed up year!  I am so glad that we got through it, and that we_____________ (fill in the blank)“.

But what do we want our kids and grand-kids to remember about 2020?

I have been working really hard to make sure that they remember this year and this pandemic as one of fun, loving family, lots of firsts and new experiences.

Some of the fun summer things we have been doing are exploring new parks and recreational areas in our close local vicinity.

At this point in the year, I actually feel slightly obsessed with ensuring that my kids have great memories of this not so great year.  Part of my fervor is that I, as an Amma (Grandma) want to be the kind of amazing Grandma that my Grandma was to me.

I have such fond memories of my grandparents and now I feel part of my mission in life is to pay that forward to my littles.  To be that kind of grandma that my kids will always remember and smile when they get together and start telling a “do you remember when” story!

Camping Trip:  Our Latest Adventure in the Summer 2020 to Remember

Before I even begin the story, I need to say a HUGE thank you to my sister and brother-in-law who let me and my tribe tag along in their fantastic family friendly fifth wheel trailer!

We went to the little hamlet of Enchant on the bald Alberta prairie.

There isn’t even much of anything in Enchant, except that they have this nice little municipal campground that is dare I say…. Enchanting, and is perfect for young busy kids first ever camping adventure!  

We went from a Sunday to Thursday, so 4 sleeps in pre-school speak.

My boys could hardly contain their excitement!  They could NOT believe that there was this “trailer home” where we would sleep and that Uncle was going to hook it up to his truck and bring it to camping for us.

That’s amazing Amma!

Uncle then made sure we were set up and left my sister and I, and all the kids while he went back to town to work.

When we got there, they each got their own bunk bed.  And then we got to eat outside ALL the time!  So many cool things for my littles to learn about the joys of camping.

After we got set up, we decided to go down to the lake and let the boys play on the beach.  The wind had come up and it was actually really cool, so the plan was that they only play on the beach for the first night, and then a full swimming beach day on day 2.

Well – the plans of the Grandma are not often the plans of the kiddos
 and so rather than playing on the beach, they (all 8 kids) went into the water and by the time they came out were fully wet and shivering BUT…

They had HUGE smiles on their faces and the sound of their laughter fill our hearts!

The not so good part was that we adults didn’t bring any towels or means to dry them off and warm them up!

The next 3 full days were beach days!  The kids had so much fun playing in the water and on the beach in the mud.  Making water holes where they would full body lounge in the mud baths,

The camping and eating outside that happened at night were also so much fun.

We had a playground right next to where we camped so it was easy for the children to play and for us adults to keep an eye on them while we were at the trailer having a visit or preparing the meals.

This trip has made me KNOW that this kiddo crew are kids that NEED the outdoors, and they need to have camping as part of their childhood memories!

They were in complete awe and utter amazement.  And they were in LOVE with the idea of camping outdoors!

Honestly, the next 8-10 are the best camping years for kids.

My kids are the perfect age to start getting out every year camping.  This camping trip has really set my mind in motion as to how camping will be able to work the best for my kiddo tribe.

I am not completely sure how it will look, but what I do KNOW is that I have to make it happen.  I have to find a way for camping to be a part of these kids childhood that they can look back on with love and awesome memories!!

I would Love to hear your camping stories with your kids.  Comment below, or join me on social media in the links provided below.



Talk soon,




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