Visit to My Doc and Special Birthday Celebration
I did have my doctor’s appointment yesterday to get the results from the blood-work I had done last week. Being “pre-diabetic” I am required to get my sugars tested once every three months. I also had him test my cholesterol this time so that I have a base line to compare it in future.
Well The Results Are In:
I have been working this way of eating (low carb, high fat) for only 1 months. I started on August 3rd. So really when I got my blood work taken, I had only been on this for about 25 days out of the 3 month period. In that time I had adjusted my Metformin from 2 tabs a day down to one (without my doctors knowledge or instruction). Continue reading
Back to School: Tops Ten Reason Moms Are Happy Dancing
When school is out for summer in June everyone is super excited, even us moms. No more making lunches every day, mo more trying to wake kids up, drive them to school on time, homework, and blah blah on and on.
We get to do some fun things for our kids, take them on vacation, maybe camping, maybe visiting grandparents or aunts and uncles. We’ve got it planned out how summer is going to go, and we are excited.
By about the third week of summer (that just an approximation from the way it works in my house), Moms start counting days. How many days until kids go back to school. By the fourth week of summer, we start praying and making empty promises in exchange for time to speed up. And last week, was the official week where moms start ripping out their hair!! Continue reading
Healthy Weight Loss: Week 4 Update
I have been struggling with my weight for my entire life. It’s one thing to lose weight, it can be a totally different story to have a Healthy Weight Loss. It’s funny because it’s not something I like to talk about. Like if I didn’t talk about it people won’t notice (duh!) and I wouldn’t be so ashamed, lol.
I am still ashamed of how far I had let myself go. I kept saying well once I get through “this crisis”, I will really start eating better. But then along would come the next crisis and another 10 pounds…. vicious circle. Continue reading
Ebates.com: Enjoy Websavings From Ebates While You Shop Online
I just got my quarterly check in the mail for my websavings from ebates. I thought it would be rude of me not to share this with you.
Do you shop online? If you do are you using Ebates.com? You should be! You’re shopping anyway, you can save even more money with websavings from Ebates. Continue reading
Health Benefits of Eating Low Carb and My Weekly Update
I have been following a low carb way of eating for 3 weeks now. I am basically NOT counting calories, but I am trying to keep my net carb intake to below 20 grams a day. Keeping your carbs this low means that you need to replace the energy you require with another source. With this way of eating, carbs are being replace with healthy fats.
Eating carbohydrates (which are turned to sugar) spikes your blood sugar causing an increased need for insulin. Then you crash. This method of eating is not healthy for anyone who has a difficult time processing sugar. It would be like telling someone who is lactose intolerant that they must consume 70% of their daily caloric intake from milk, cheese, yogurt and ice cream!!! Insane right? Continue reading
- Understanding Anger Issues: Signs, Impact, and Coping Strategies
- Crisis Mode: Navigating the Chaos of Midlife and Emerging Stronger
- Navigating the Midlife Maze: Understanding When and How Women Experience a Midlife Crisis
- Understanding Unexplained Sadness in Women: Causes and Coping Strategies
- Unlocking the Mystery: Why Doesn’t Caffeine Affect Me?