2016: A Year of New Beginnings…

As I sit here and drink my coffee this morning, I realize that I am in a position that I don’t remember being in before…


Today is the first Monday of 2016.  A day that I would normally be busy making lunches, trying to hustle kids out of bed and off to school. Instead, I sit here quietly drinking my coffee and planning what I want my week… and my life to look like!


I have been a foster parent for 18+ years. The children that I have had in my home have moved on to a permanent placement very recently and so my nest is empty. I have been planning this for a long time, but it is finally here, finally real and it is starting to actually sink in.

I had decided long ago that after helping these children find a forever home that it was time for me to take time for me.

I am sure that most moms reading this can relate to how busy and hectic life being a mom can be.   Often the thing that gets neglected most of all is YOU! Fostering is even more challenging because the kids that we serve always come with issues (if they didn’t they wouldn’t be in care). Trying to give kids back a sense of themselves, of being loved, of feeling confident is a very weighty task.

So for the time being, I have decided to keep my home empty to recharge my life and work on who it is I want to be.

In a way, it feels very selfish of me!!

So I have been doing a lot of thinking…

What do I want to be when THEY grow up?!


I really have an open slate here…
I can do or be anything that I want…
The problem is I am not totally clear on who that person is.
So it’s time to start exploring that!

Some of my main priorities are:


  1. My Health.  As many of you know, back in August I adopted a new way of eating and have so far lost 72 pounds.  I do have a long way before I reach the state of health that I am looking to achieve, but it feels really good to be working on it.
  2. My Business.  I have been tinkering online for 10 years.  It has been only in the last couple years that I have become serious about creating a generous income from the comfort of my home, on my terms.  Really diving in with both feet to expand my business and make it a true success.
  3. Finding what it is that excites me and that I can become passionate about.
  4. Finding out how I can best be of service to the community of empty nesters who are likely in the exact same positions as me.
  5. My family and friends.  Keeping strong relationships with family and friends as well as meeting new friends and work colleagues.

Now I am ready… it’s time…

Finding my Inner ADULT and letting her SHINE!!!

I invite you to join me as we explore growth and adventure together!

Talk soon,





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