Dog Treat Box: Do You Get Monthly Dog Treats and Toys?

Molly just got her monthly dog treats and toys.  She absolutely LOVES when this box gets delivered to our house.  I have a lot of monthly deliveries, and she KNOWS this one is for her.


We’ve been getting the Bark Box for about a year now, and she absolutely loves it.  I kind of debated for a bit whether I was going to renew the subscription to this monthly box of dog goodies, and decided for our house it is worth the value.

Each month get a different theme in our Box Box.  This months theme is the  I.M Slobberings’ Candy Shoppe.  

The subscription box comes each month and it has a lot of value inside.  Each month you get:

  • 2 new themed Dog Toys
  • 2 bags of delicious Dog Treats
  • 1 special Chew Treat (Molly gets these on our family movie nights)

Molly has no problem getting through the 2 bags of treats in a month (lol are you surprised?)

The toys for her last a fair length of time.  I would consider Molly to be an average chewer.    Some are more durable than others but overall I am very satisfied with the quality.

The question I had before I renewed my subscription was:  Does Molly really need 2 new toys every month?

In an entire year, we have never received a repeat toy.  I just went through and tossed out the toys that had some wear and tear on them because it’s really not good to keep those around for her to choke on — so we’re ready for more.

What’s in the Box this Month?

2 Bags of Tasty Dog Treats and 1 Special Dog Chew


This month, the treats are “Peanut Butter Pups” and “Ham Dandies Soft & Chewy”.  In the past I have been concerned with the quality of the dog treats I get online (not from Barkbox).  I don’t like giving Molly anything that was made in China or other countries because I have had a problem with the quality of the materials used and Molly got sick.

Going right to the FAQ on the Barkbox website this is what they commit to:

We have extremely high standards for all of the edible items we select for the boxes. All treats are sourced from the USA and Canada, and chews are sourced from the USA, Canada, South America, Australia and New Zealand. Rest assured, we would never send items we would not give our own (very spoiled) pups.

2 New Dog Toys

This month, going with a candy shop theme, we have a Lollipop and a bag of bubble gum.  The filling in some of them make a cringling sound when Molly chews them and she loves that.  She also loves finding the squeaker in them.

Molly is an average chewer. She has chewed through a few of the toys, but over all these toys are great for her.  I would NOT recommend them if your dog can chew through anything.  These kind of dogs need something that is NOT plush and is more durable.

My friends dog, Queenie is one such dog and chewed through one of Molly’s toys pretty quickly.  The good news is, I am testing a more durable toy out for her (read to the bottom) and will let you know how she does.

Our toys, grooming products, and hygiene products are sourced from around the world and are all approved by our office dogs!

We want everything we include in BarkBox to be high quality and safe, and by letting our own dogs try everything out first, we make sure we feel confident in the quality of goods manufactured here or abroad.

Overall I think the Barkbox is a great value for the products and treats, so I did renew my subscription for another 6 months.

I have a very busy house (with up to 6 kids home 4 of them age 4 and under),  Molly sometimes gets the short end of the stick – so I like that this allows me to spoil her a little bit too.

Where do you get your dog treats and toys from?

If you’d like to try out the Barkbox for your dog (or your Grand fur babies) you can sign up now and they’ll give you a month free with a 6 or 12 month subscription if you go through my link.

Is Your Dog a Super Chewer?


Some dogs chew through every toy in no time flat.  My friend was planning to get a subscription for the Barkbox so I wanted her to try out one of mine first.  This friend has 3 dogs and one of them, her Queenie dog can chew through a toy in 5 minutes flat.

Queenie did in fact chew through the toy that I let her test.

So for these “Super Chewers”, the Barkbox offers a stronger line of toys.  These toys are not plush.  They are made with durable rubber and nylon.

I really want Queenie to be able to a Dog Treat box too.  So I’ve ordered her one of these super tough toys just to test it out.

Queenie will be getting the “Sonny the Rolly Ghost Ball”

It’s made of rubber and has a “A gnarly, erratic bounce”.

It will be PERFECT for Queenie her favorite thing in the entire world is to play a good game of fetch.

I am really interested to see how Queenie does with her new ball.  As soon as she’s had some time to test it out, I will let you know how she does with it.

If you have a “super chewer” dog, I’d be interested in hearing where you get your toys.  We need to find something for Queenie!!




Talk soon,




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