Third Time’s the Charm

There is an old saying, “Third time’s the Charm”.  I believe that to be true with At Home with Heather.

Hi my name is Heather Masson, and I am a perpetual at-home entrepreneur, it is my passion, and my dream.  I have been dabbling in online marketing and different earning streams for approximately 10 years.

The reasons for pursuing this passion through the years have changed, but the dream and the ultimate goal is the same.
Ten years ago, I was home bound.  I had a very sick little boy and so for me to get out of the house to engage in any type of hobby, career, even something as simple as a book club didn’t often happen.

It was much easier for me at that time to just stay home to be with my son and provide him with the best possible care.  HOWEVER, I really started to crave something to stimulate my brain, to give me a way to have some sort of socialization with adult people, and to just escape the stress of dealing with a very rare medical condition with no hope for recovery for my son.  I watched him slowly deteriorate until he passed away in October of 2009.

At that time, I was really just dabbling in different things for the purpose of filling my mind, and spirit.  I didn’t really have a goal of making a lot of additional income.  I taught myself a little bit about a lot of different things, kept my mind growing, and was able to form some great friendships with wonderful people all around the world that helped to lift my spirit.

What I found was that I absolutely LOVE being online.  I love helping people, I love learning and sharing with people, and being able to make a full-time income (on my terms) from home.  Although the full-time income part has only recently come to fruition, it is very exciting to see that after all of these years of trying and dabbling, earning an income from home is completely possible.
Through the years I have tried many different opportunities and different “bright shiny objects” and did slowly start to see it as a possible way toward financial freedom. It wasn’t until about 2 years ago that I did get serious about earning a full-time income from home, and I am happy to report that I have finally being seeing success with it.

My ultimate goal:  To be able to share my knowledge and teach as many people as are interested in how to do the same, as well as to continue to expand my own empire.

At Home with Heather has been a site that I have re-started three times over the past ten years.  I have never completely let it go because I feel like it is one of the best avenues to share my knowledge and offer you my readers helpful tips and suggestions on how to get started.

So what qualifies me to do that?  Well… I have been around for a long time, and I know what doesn’t work, and I have found what does work.  They say a mistake is only a mistake if you do not learn the lesson it was trying to teach you.  I am happy to say that I have learned many lessons.

So grab your favorite cuppa…. and let’s get started.  I would LOVE for you to become an active participant on this journey.  Join me on Pinterest, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, and of course share your thoughts and comments on the blog.


Talk soon,




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P.S.S. – Please take a minute to connect with me: Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest | Google+ | Twitter |LinkedIn

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