Home-school is out for summer: What to do during Covid Summer

The COVID HOME SCHOOL of Teacher Amma is Out for Summer!

On March 16 I officially became a home-school teacher/mom/grandma to 6 kids.

I was NOT prepared to be, nor did I ever intend on being a homeschooling parent!  We muddled our way through the remainder of the year as best we could. Actually some of the topics were things that I LOVED when I was in school (like fractions and decimals).  My little kids were learning letters and we have been working on learning our Blackfoot words.


As of Friday, I was officially done with being the home school teacher – (for this year at least).

Farewells and Graduations Missed 


3 out of 6 kids missed out on the “in person” graduations and farewells that they should have been part of this year.

My 11 year old had his grade 5 FAREWELL from elementary school and actually received an award for most improved student.  I’m so proud of you JR!

My 5 year old graduated from Kindergarten and will be heading into grade 1 and the big elementary school in the fall.  Way to go KY, you’re doing awesome!!

My 4 year old grandson graduated from preschool and will be heading to Kindergarten in the fall.  So proud of you Boogaloo, I love watching how you are learning so many new things.

HOME SCHOOL is out for SUMMER!!!

So Now What?

Many of the COVID-19 lock downs are still in place.  Regardless of that (or maybe even in-spite of that?),  it’s important for me to do some things that will provide the kiddos with a summer filled with happy times and great memories.

Making sure that my kids have lots of fun, and great childhood memories has become something I am very passionate about.  I am inspired by my mother and my grandmother.

I’m always open and looking for suggestions of things we can do but in the meantime, here is the list I’ve been working on for July.

Summer camps and daycare – My little kids have been back in daycare for 2 weeks now.  So far they LOVE the fact that they get to go play with some of there teachers and friends.  Also my boys do very well with a bit more scheduled activity.  My older kids will be starting some day camps just to give them something to do.  They’ve been stuck at home long enough (100 Plus Days).

The kids being back in school will also give me a chance to get caught up on some of the things that fell behind when I was busy being “Teacher Amma”.

Enjoy what we have locally with the kids.  I have been really trying to get them out to different parks and activities in the area.  Even if that means a 30 minute drive to get there, or even if we only have time to play for 30 minutes.  It’s time to explore “our own backyard” so to speak, and the parks have been locked down for so long, it’s great to have them open again.

So far these outings have been a lot of fun for the kids AND it is great family time that we can enjoy in the evenings and on weekends.  I do carry plenty of sanitizer and PPE when needed for safety sake.

Day Trips to local Adventure Parks.  There is an adventure park that is just a few hours from where we live.  We are planning a day trip later in July to let the kids go see and learn about all the cool animals.

Family Camping Trip in Alberta.  At this point in Alberta, travel between provinces is still “not recommended”, so Alberta camping it is.  I haven’t yet taken this entire kid crew camping.  It will be a real adventure, and a real learning experience.

I sold my trailer a few years back, and I sure do miss getting out camping in the summer.  Maybe it’s because that is what I grew up with, but I feel like it’s an important thing for kids to be able to experience.

For this season I am grateful that my sister has invited us to tag along with her in her family size trailer and tents.  If this goes well then maybe by next year, I can think about getting our own trailer again.

That will cover July, and I think it will keep us busy and hopefully bring the kids a good summer and some great memories.

What are you planning to do with your kids this summer?  Let’s make this summer great IN-SPITE of the COVID quarantine for our kids, shall we?

Leave a comment and let’s chat about it!




Talk soon,




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