What to Get a Boy for Christmas? Top Christmas Presents for Boys

What to Get a Boy for Christmas?

The question of “What to get a boy for Christmas?” is big on my mind these days.   Why? Probably because I currently have 5 boys in my home ranging in age from 2 through 10, and we are less than a month away from the big day!

My goal is to find great Christmas presents for boys that don’t break my bank account!  I find that I have great intentions but then generally tend to go over budget a little each year.  Having a goal in mind, does help me keep my spending under control a bit better.

How much do you spend on each child for Christmas?

I have done much of my shopping online this year.  I hate shopping especially when the stores are so crowded, it’s cold, and there is no parking.  Plus, I can get it done any time of day (when my kids are in bed or at school).  AND, I can find some pretty awesome deals.

One thing I absolutely love is getting extra cash back.  When I shop online, I do it mostly through Amazon, but regardless I look for stores that are members of Ebates.  Heck why not, all you have to do is log into Ebates, and then click the link to the store you want to shop at.

If you aren’t a member of Ebates – you can sign up quick and easy through my link.  When you do, and you use the program, they will give you an extra $10 after you make your first purchase just to say thank you.

What to get a Toddler for Christmas

If you are struggling with the question of what to get a toddler for Christmas, I”m going to share a few ideas just from what seems to be popular in my home this year with my crew of boys.

My toddler boys are totally into the PJ Mask series right now and anything to do with the PJ Masks characters.  I found these super cute dress-up outfits on Amazon, and can hardly wait for them to start running around the house playing in them.

I have 3 very rough and tumble toddler boys that like to wrestle and play rough, and then my grandson is a much more gentle little guy.  He likes to play it safe and be careful before he jumps in to a situation.

All my boys are all into cars and racetracks (as most boys are).

Quite recently one of my two year olds discovered a fascination for trains and train sets.  So for his big gift, I am getting him a train set.

I am really excited to see how my 2 year old reacts to having a train table of his own.  I think it will help him with his imagination play as well as developing his hand eye coordination and gross motor skills.

Presents for 3 Year Old Boy

Buying presents for a 3 year old boy isn’t all that difficult.  My suggestion would be to just play with them, or watch them play for an hour.  You will very quickly find out their likes and dislikes.  This is the stage where they are learning everything and want to tell you all about it.

My grandson is 3.   At daycare, his favorite toys are anything to do with the kitchen. He’s so funny to watch as he’s going through the “No! I Do It” phase and doesn’t want help with anything. My daughter found this kitchen center, and picked it up for him.

I got my grandson a PJ Masks Learning Watch. His favorite character is Catboy, so that is what he shall have!  He is forever playing on my Fitbit and is really interested in the numbers, so I figured it would be good for him to have one of his own.

It’s funny how kids can relate so well to a certain character.  We were even singing made up Catboy songs to get him to potty train — It worked lol.

What to get a 4 Year Old Boy for Christmas

My 4 year old boy has some learning delays and special needs, this makes deciding what to get my 4 year old for Christmas slightly different.  His favorite activity is “free play”, just running and screaming and rough housing.  We are really trying to nurture his interest in other activities that are less physical (and quieter lol).

He is starting to enjoy coloring, looking at books and making puzzles.  I am completely shocked at how well this little one does with coloring IN the lines, and how fascinated he is becoming with books.

I’m looking at a couple of different ideas for him.

I really like these magnetic tiles.  He enjoys playing with Lego, and I think this might be something fun for him well at the same time help to develop his gross motor skills and hand/eye coordination.

To help nurture his artistic ability, Santa may be bringing a coloring set from his favorite characters — The Paw Patrol (Chase is on the case)!  He LOVES the Paw Patrol, and having a fun activity book will keep him interested in coloring and using the stamps.

I could go on and on buying and sharing what I got my younger boys for Christmas.  Deciding what to get Toddler boys for Christmas (at least in my house) is super easy.   This is the stage where they are growing and learning so much.

As a Mom and Grandma, it is my job to see what they are interested in and then help them to keep learning, growing and talking to share all that they know.  My grandson is constantly talking to “Amma”, he tells me about everything.  It’s actually turned into the favorite part of my day to sit and have a conversation with him.  My other kids are also starting to join in on this daily chatter as well.

The other great thing with this age group, is that they do not yet know the money value associated with any gift,  all they know is if they like it or not.  Heck, a year ago they were more interested in playing with the box that the toys came in.

What to get a Tween Boy for Christmas

Deciding what to get a tween boy for Christmas in my mind is a little bit more difficult than the younger kids, and I will tell you why.

He is at the age where the peer pressure from his friends is a big deal.  He wants to fit in with his school buddies who are often NOT getting gifts that I really feel are appropriate for a learning mind.

One of his favorite character sets is the 5 Night’s at Freddy’s. This is kind of a freaky series and I feel like the entire point of the game is to freak kids out.   Not a winner in my eyes (especially when I have younger kids in the house as well).

Although these kind of series may be popular with the kids, as a parent, I am certainly not going to allow these kind of toys into my home.  My suggestion is if your tween boys are asking for something, do your research on it first.  Just because they are asking for it, doesn’t mean you need to get it.

My son is VERY artistic, in fact he got an award at school for it on Thursday (so proud of him).  He loves to draw and he loves to build things.

I will be getting him an art set for young artists.  He is a bit more advanced than a regular kit with Crayola that will fall apart and dry out in a week.  I am looking at something slightly more advanced for him, something that he can take pride in, and learn to take care of.

I like this set because it’s all contained in a nice wooden box. All of his supplies are laid out so that he can see them. I think it also makes putting things away easier.

His other LOVE is building things.  This boy has so much Lego already.  You should see his bedroom floor, yikes!  Just a tip:  Don’t ever go into a child’s bedroom that is into Lego with bare feet — it HURTS lol!!

Minecraft is another of his favorites, because he can build and use his imagination.  He has several Minecraft Lego Sets already but I found this set for him.  It’s a fairly big set and should keep him occupied for a day or two.

Do Your Tweens LOVE Slime?

If they are, they will love this ELF SNOT!!

This is cool idea if you don’t know what to get your tween and you’re giving them a gift card.  OR  it would work as a stocking stuffer.

My tweens (I have one boy and one girl) are SOOO into slime.  My girl especially, she loves making it and sharing it with her friends.  But that’s another post for another day lol.

This ended up being a pretty long post, but I wanted to give you honest ideas about what I feel like are the Top Christmas Presents for Boys at least the boys in MY house!  I hope this helps give you some ideas for your boys.

I would love to hear what you are getting your boys for Christmas this year.



Talk soon,




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Please Note: Some of the links above are my referral links and I do get paid a referral fee however this in no way impacts the price you pay. I also will never refer anything that I do not believe in and would use myself.

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