Do You Struggle to Find Joy in the Midst of Life’s Chaos?

In The Midst of Chaos, Clutter and Struggle

Life is busy – we all know this, I’m not telling you anything new.

I am a midlifer, caregiver, mom, grandma, daughter, friend, business owner, dog owner, and the list could go on.

We all have these different hats that we wear.  We all have responsibilities, commitments and obligations.

  • We want to be available for our children, grandchildren, parents, extended family
  • We want to be in good health as we age
  • We want to be financially secure
  • We want to be awesome and well established in our career
  • We want to be a fabulous homemaker, cook, and organizer
  • We want to be able to offer help to others by giving back to our community and/or church

Finding Joy in the Journey

One of the things that I find myself really craving is learning to find joy in the journey.

Many days, I feel like I am a master juggler.  Trying to keep all of these plates spinning.  I feel like if I stop or slow down they will all come crashing down.

I am making it a point daily to STOP and think of something that has brought me JOY, and something that I can be GRATEFUL for each and every day.

I am finding it necessary to STOP and SEEK OUT the things that:

  • Make my heart smile
  • Bring me joy
  • I am grateful for
  • Make me Laugh out loud
  • Make me stop and think

The “things” that I have been noticing that bring me joy are the random things that are all around me.  I notice them when I actually pay attention and seek them out.

  • It can be a simple task of setting a timer and doing some decluttering with one of my kids.
  • Noticing a baby robin on my deck that didn’t even have all it’s tail feather filled in yet.
  • The smell of my row of lilacs trees.
  • Listening to my birds sing songs in my tree while I enjoy a peaceful 5 minutes and a cup of coffee.
  • Getting on the floor and PLAYING with my grandson.
  • Even something simple like a quote on Facebook that makes me stop to be grateful, or makes me laugh out loud

Taking the Time to Notice

When I actually become aware and take the time to notice (and be grateful for) these little things, my mood does brighten even in the midst of chaos, clutter, and struggle.

The thing is, it takes practice and a daily awareness for me to search out these things.

If this is something that I struggle with, I’m sure many there are many, many, many over-stressed moms. caregivers, and midlifers struggling with the exact same thing.

That said, I thought it would be fun to create a community of women helping each other to seek out things that make our hearts smile and give us more joy along the journey.

I always do better when I have some accountability, and when I feel like I am not walking the journey alone.  Because of that, I’ve decided to create a Facebook community where we can all share and get inspiration from one another.

What will the Group Involve?

Daily Prompts & Motivation for Joy, Love, Laughter & Hope!

I envision it to be a place where like minded women can gather to lift each other up and share experiences that will help others with their journey of joy.

What do YOU need to do?

To become a member of the group all you have to do is join here:  Daily Shine

Yes, life can be busy.  Yes, it can be stressful and exhausting being a nurturer and caregiver to all of those in our lives.  BUT we need to take the time to give that caring and nurturing spirit to ourselves each and every day!

We need to take the time and find the joy in the journey.

We need to let our inner adult SHINE!!


See you in the group:  I look forward to sharing this journey of joy with you!


Talk soon,




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P.S.S. – Please take a minute to connect with me: Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest | Google+ | Twitter |LinkedIn

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