My Two Year Health Anniversary: Reflections, Realizations, and Tantrums!
It was 2 years ago today that I started on a journey to lose a few pounds. Over the last 2 years, it has really turned into a lot more than that for me, here is a few snaps I took along the way…
Although this journey has been one of choosing to save my own health, it has become so much more in the process.
When I talk about a journey to becoming my better half, that is exactly what I am talking about. Losing half of my body weight is a huge accomplishment, and something that I never actually thought I would be able to achieve. It is also about nurturing myself into become the person that I need to be to maintain that healthiness.
For so many years I used food to push down my emotions and not deal with them. Continue reading
Quick, Easy,Tasty Low Carb Dinner
I have been bored with many of my favorites standby low carb meals. I have made a commitment to try new recipes, and new healthy LCHF snacks.
I have also committed (after listening in to Lynn Terry’s Low Carb Class on Saturday) to 7 days of logging in My Fitness Pal, and 15 minutes on my recumbent bike to get me back on track. Continue reading
A question I get asked regularly … Did I Exercise?
Can I tell you something?
I’m lazy!!
I’ve never been a person to go out and do a bunch of physical activity, sign up for a sport or anything like that.
Confession Time:
- Gym classes in school were something I got out of as soon as I could.
- My mother lives 2 blocks away from me and most often I drive rather than walk
- Any THOUGHT of doing something physical would send me screaming toward a bag of potato chips!
- I’m the kind of person that will circle a parking lot 3 times to get a closer spot
- I would (and have) get someone to do my shopping for me. Walking up and down a shopping mall seems entirely pointless to me and a huge waste of time
I’m talking REALLY lazy!! Continue reading
Time to Finish What I Started
It was in August of 2015 that I started a long journey to try and save my own health. This is a picture of my mom, sister and I when I was “nearly” at my heaviest weight (I don’t remember exactly what my weight was at that point).
At that point in my life I was “morbidly” obese and completely unhealthy. I had eaten myself into having diabetes and high blood pressure, I was stressed out daily and completely NOT enjoying my life. Continue reading
A Weight Loss Journey to Becoming My Better HALF
That is a love-seat behind me – and I could almost fill BOTH seats!!
My Weight Loss Journey to Health
It has been almost 2 full years now that I have been on a journey.
In July of 2015, I was feeling terrible. I was so overweight that walking even short distances was painful. By that I mean that it was even hard for me to walk around a grocery store. My feet and legs were ALWAYS swollen. I had eaten myself into a diabetic diagnosis, my blood pressure was high, and daily tasks of managing my household would be exhausting.
I simply was NOT enjoying my life!!!
I honestly felt like if I didn’t do something to lose a few pounds, I wasn’t going to be around to see the next 5 years. Back then the idea of even losing a few pounds was GINORMOUS!! My goal at that point was to get back under 300 pounds (there I said it). I don’t even remember when my weight crept up as high as it was, I think it was a slow process over the years of just not taking care of me. Continue reading
- Understanding Anger Issues: Signs, Impact, and Coping Strategies
- Crisis Mode: Navigating the Chaos of Midlife and Emerging Stronger
- Navigating the Midlife Maze: Understanding When and How Women Experience a Midlife Crisis
- Understanding Unexplained Sadness in Women: Causes and Coping Strategies
- Unlocking the Mystery: Why Doesn’t Caffeine Affect Me?