Quick, Easy,Tasty Low Carb Dinner

I have been bored with many of my favorites standby low carb meals.  I have made a commitment to try new recipes, and new healthy LCHF snacks.

I have also committed (after listening in to Lynn Terry’s Low Carb Class on Saturday) to 7 days of logging in My Fitness Pal, and 15 minutes on my recumbent bike to get me back on track.

The problem with the bike at the moment is the room that I keep it in is my sun-room.  It’s averaging 110 – 115 F daily in there right now with this heat wave, and I really would rather not pass out, lol.

So for now, I am switching that second piece to walking and training Miss Molly.  As soon as this heat wave breaks, I will be on the bike.

Day 2 of logging in My Fitness Pal and I have managed to keep that commitment.

Today I took Miss Molly for her run when it was really early (and it was already almost to hot for her then).  Maybe it is because I am Canadian, but I am certainly not liking this heat wave at all!

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So as I was saying – I am determined to try new recipes and find new yummy LCHF foods that are easy to prepare and tasty.

I tried a new recipe today.  I actually kind of made it up as I went along (which I tend to do a lot).  The original recipe came from Chelsea’s Messy Apron. for One Pan Healthy Sausage and Veggies.  Her recipe had potato in it which I don’t eat.  Also I didn’t have some of the ingredients and I am a big fan of using what I have on hand, so here goes:

One Pan Low Carb Sausage and Veggies

1.50 cup (70g), Mushrooms
1 medium (approx 2-3/4″ long, 2-1/2″ dia), Peppers, sweet, red, raw
1 pepper, large (3-3/4″ long, 3″ dia), Peppers, sweet, yellow, raw
1.50 cup, Beans, snap, green, raw
4 tablespoon, Oil – Olive
6 tbsp, Cheese – Parmesan, shredded
1 large (2-1/4 per lb, approx 3-3/4″ long, 3″ dia), Peppers, sweet, green, raw
540 g, Bavarian Smokies – Cheddar
2 cup, Cauliflower – Raw

I just chopped up all the veggies and smokies, mixed it all together and placed on cookie sheets.  Then I drizzled the Olive Oil, add some spices to flavor (such a seasoning salt, Mrs. Dash Herb and Garlic, and pepper).

I let it bake for 30 minutes in a 400F oven.  Then I added the parm cheese and left it in for another 5-7 minutes.

I feel this would serve 6, it was very filling.  I have provided the nutrition facts as well.   With the veggies I used today, it works out to about 7 net carbs per serving.

It was super easy to make, and only took about 10 minutes of chopping.  I really want to try it with broccoli as well, because that would just make it even better!

This could probably be put on the outdoor grill and would heat up the house less in this heat (except mine isn’t functioning right now).

I would love to hear what you’ve been eating, and recipes that you’re trying.


Talk soon,




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