I Was Surprised This Week PLUS Something I’m Not Quite Ready to Share Yet

fat doesn't make you fatSaturday was officially 2 full months since I started this way of eating (starting on August 3rd). I have been on a plateau for several weeks. Which is actually very frustrating because I’ve been working it so hard. I haven’t had anything at all that would be considered a “cheat”.

  • I haven’t had any chips (which is my biggest, baddest comfort food)
  • I haven’t even had one Diet Pepsi (which I normal would have 3-4/week)
  • I haven’t had one slice of bread, bun NOTHING
  • I haven’t been eating any kind of high carb fruits

I have been eating soooooo  clean!!! But regardless, plateaus will happen anyway.  My point is DON’T GIVE UP when you are going through the plateau!!!

I am very happy to tell you that I have officially kicked my plateau to the curb….

I have lost 7 pounds since last Monday!  Putting my total weight loss in 2 months (9 weeks) at 37.5 pounds!


I did have a little mini celebration this weekend and took time to enjoy 3 ounces of Alberta Vodka with no carbs mixed with a Diet Fresca.

I have to say my mom has been a HUGE help keeping me on my eating plan this week. With the new baby and my daughter staying with me, and Q4 ramp up I would not have had as much time to watch what I have been eating. Thanks Mom!!

On Saturday we had this delicious #lowcarb pizza made with a cauliflower crust. It’s the second time we have had it and I think it is my new favorite.


Cauliflower Crust Pizza

2 ½ cups Cauliflower grated (about ½ a large head)
1 large egg, slightly beaten
1 ½ cups shredded mozzarella cheese
2 tbsp grated Parmesan cheese
Salt and pepper
¼ cup tomato sauce
1 cup grape tomatoes, sliced in half
2 cloves garlic (optional)
¼ tsp crushed red pepper flakes (optional)
Fresh basil leaves (optional)

You can top with favorite toppings such as ham, pepperoni, peppers, onions, etc
Line rimmed baking sheet or pizza pan with parchment paper, and preheat oven to 425 deg. F
Grate the cauliflower using a box grater until you have 2 ½ cups approx.. Place in large bowl and microwave for 7 – 8 minutes or until soft. Do not add any water. Remove from microwave and cool.
Mix in the egg, 1 cup mozzarella, Parmesan, salt and pepper. Once combined, pat into the prepared pan. Bake for 10 to 15 minutes or until golden.
Top the pizza with the sauce, remaining mozzarella, grape tomatoes, and other ingredients as listed and your favorite #lowcarb toppings.

Bake in oven until cheese is melted and bubbly, another 10 minutes. Garnish with basil before serving.

Thought I would post the recipe, just in case any of you are interested.  It really is sooo delicious better than regular pizza.

It truly helps to have a buddy through all of this and of course the 90 Day Low Carb Challenge Facebook Group has also been a huge help and support.

So now for the part the I’m not quite sure I am ready to share…. 

I have always been a closet eater (behind a safe closed door after the kids are in bed, or when no one was around) so it has actually been kind of difficult to share this journey publicly.

Previous to this WOE (way of eating), I just wouldn’t talk about my weight at all, or how much I had been gaining with anyone but my close personal circle and even that was limited.  I had given up on it, and on me.

I don’t know if you follow me or not, but you will very rarely see full body pictures of me on social media.  I always do only head shots, and that is only when I can’t get away with NOT doing a picture at all (which would totally be my preference).

Obviously I don’t like the way I look, or the body that I have and as I have mentioned before I am ashamed of it.

One thing this journey is teaching me is that I am tired of hiding and that in reality I may be hiding WHAT I am eating, but I certainly am NOT hiding where it shows up, lol.

A friend and mentor of mine keeps saying to keep it real, and that your audience wants to know you, not some fake knock off of you.  This is who I am, and what I am working to change in my life.

So although I am not ready to share it, I am going to anyway…. because it will help me (and hopefully it will help some of the people following me on this journey).

Healthy Weight Loss

Yesterday for the first time I got these jeans on and they haven’t been able to zip up for well over 2 years.

2 Things I have Learned…

  1. Time to do a bit of clothes shopping because everything I have is starting to hang on me.  I especially need to get some new garment to get those girls back up to where they are suppose to be LOL (okay a bit TMI) but hey just keepin it real.  😉
  2. Be sure to do your hair and makeup for a photo if you think you might be plastering it all over social media! :p

I will admit I am very proud of what I have accomplished, and I am so excited and can hardly wait to see the results again in two more months.


Talk soon,




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