30 Pounds Gone in 2 Months PLUS Our Latest Addition

Wow the last 2 weeks has sure been a whirlwind for me!

This post is just going to be a really quick update on exactly what has been happening in my world. First let me say I’ve missed being on AHWH and social media the last few weeks. I feel like I am so far behind that I think I’m first.


Sometimes there is a really good reason to be absent, and for me that reason was the birth of my Grandson on September 18! I am absolutely smitten with him and so have been away getting lots and lots of baby snuggles! 🙂

low-car-weight-lossFirst things first, my weekly update is slightly late (I normally post it on Mondays, lol).

I’ve finally done it!!! I broke the 30 pound mark!

As of Monday, I was down 30.5 pounds since I started this journey back on August 3rd (8 weeks ago).

It’s all about being consistent and being really stubborn. I feel so much better than I did, but still have such a long way to go.

I am all about celebrating the journey, and the markers along the way. So YAY Me!!

On most programs they tell you that if you lose 1 pound a week you are doing a really good job. The fact that in 8 weeks I have lost 30 pounds says a lot about this way of eating. That puts me at an average of 3.75 pounds down each week.

I have been on a plateau for almost 3 weeks now. It is starting to break, and the scale is FINALLY starting to move down in the right direction.

Now on to the even funner (is that a word) news…

Meet My Grandson …


Welcome Baby

This is my grandson Diederik Elijah Asher (Gramma’s little Boo Bear!).

He was born September 18 but wasn’t suppose to arrive until October 15, so he was almost 4 full weeks early. (He just wanted to come meet his Grandma!)

Being so early, he did have to stay in the NICU for an entire week. Labor was difficult for my daughter, and Boo Bear was breach,  so very late in the game (and 28 hours after her water broke) and emergency c-section was done.

I was my daughter Janine’s support person and as such I got to go into the delivery room during the c-section.  They even let me cut his umbilical cord, so that was pretty cool!  Baby was a “lazy breather” at first and spent the first 24 hours with a bit of oxygen, and the first few days of his life nice and cozy inside an incubator.  The staff in the NICU were amazing.

The first week of Baby D’s life was spent going back and forth to the hospital.  It was really hard on my daughter to have to be released from the hospital on Wednesday the 23rd and not come home with Baby D.  But we did get to bring him home when he was one week old last Friday.

I have had the extreme joy and pleasure of having both my daughter Janine, and my grandson Diederik staying with me.  I just love to snuggle him and be a Gramma.  I am feeling very blessed that I am able to help my daughter Janine and spend this time with her and Baby D.  She is a first time mom, and a single mom, to a preemie baby.  We have been sharing all the good stuff (and the bad stuff) together.

I am the Gramma so I don’t have to do the middle of the night feedings, lol.  I said nope, that’s your job mommy!  But I have been up at 5 AM to do my morning snuggles with little Boo Bear and give him his bottle while sending my daughter for a non-interrupted block of sleep.

Life At Home with Heather has been extremely busy, and sleep deprived for a while now.  Things that aren’t “essential” just don’t happen right now.  The days go by so very fast, and everything is being timed around baby feeds, and breast pumping lol.  My girls have been doing extremely well and love having a new born in the house.

I have to say how much I appreciate MY mom as well during this time because she has been bringing me some great low carb meal as she knows I don’t have time to cook for myself at the moment.  Thanks Mom, you’re the best!

My online business, blog and sales have fallen behind because of all the baby excitement. Today is the first day of the last quarter of the year, so I really do have to get back to business (more of that will come in the next few days).

I look at it like this.  This is perhaps the only time that I will get to be a new Grandma, and I am going to enjoy every single minute of it.  My heart is just full when I think of him.  We have our special Gramma time and he loves to give me lots of smiles and loves when we are playing.  He already sure knows when it’s Grandma time too.

I tell you what though – Total new appreciation for single first time moms!  It is A LOT to manage on a very limited amount of sleep for the first few weeks when baby is feeding every 3 hours compounded on trying to learn about babies and breastfeeding and formula and bottles and appointments and on and on and on.   I am very proud of my daughter, she is doing an amazing job.  It has been slightly overwhelming (especially with baby being so premature) but she is doing great!

So, my normal blogging and work schedule will resume shortly, but in the meantime…me and DI need to go snuggle my Baby Boo Bear!!


Talk soon,


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