Summer Boredom: Boredom Busters for Kids

Summer is here, kids are out of school.  For my older kids, this means automatically:

Mom, I’m bored!!!

I had/have them registered in summer camps.  This give them fun activities to do so they aren’t just sitting on their tablets the entire summer lol.  I also had them registered in 4 sessions of swimming lessons that run daily through out the summer.


My daughter was at a climbing wall last week.  She jumped down, and did what we thought was rolling her ankle.  What ACTUALLY happened was that she broke her ankle (well actually the tips of both her Fibula and Tibia) off..

So she’s is in an air-boot/walking cast for the next 4 weeks.

That’s the end of the swimming lessons, and the day camps have been put on hold for a few days until she is feeling more confident in her mobility, and until some of the pain is gone.

Sooo…. they are even more bored!!

Of course my son doesn’t want to participate in any of the activities without his sister (and I don’t blame him).  He has been awesome at helping his big sister.  Fetching things for her, and being her support!!

Activities to Keep the Kids Busy (And NOT Bored)

I am NOT totally against screen time.  I’m realistic about it.

  • I DON’T think not allowing kids  any screen time in today’s society is very realistic.  Anything that they do in the future will be online, or on a mobile device.
  • I DO think that kids need to be monitored in what they are watching and letting into their heads.  I DO think that kids don’t need to start gaining huge followers of people (possibly predators) that they don’t actually know.
  • I DO think it is about educating our children AND closely monitoring them.  You can easily get a monitoring app put on their device so that you know what they are doing at all times.

That said, I do NOT want them to completely fill their days watching YouTube videos or doing crazy videos on Tik Tok.

Boredom BusterS for Kids when they Can’t Get Outside to Play

So in a quick hurry, I’ve gathered a few things to help them, and provide learning and creative outlets for them during these few weeks when being active is not really an options.

We want to keep learning through out the summer.  I truly believe that most kids need help with MATH FACTS these days.  Remember when we went to school and had to be able to rattle off the answer without even thinking?

Boredom Buster #1 – Math Fact Flashcards

Boredom Buster #2 – Watercolor Crayons

My son is so artistic and he loves to draw and color.  He’s been wanting these watercolor crayons for a long time.

Boredom Buster #3 – Sketch Book

And of course any great artist needs a Sketch book, and his is getting full, so will be ordering a new one for him.  He’s been such a HUGE help with his sister.

My daughter is very artistic, but in a different way – she is the maker of ANYTHING slime.  She has also started getting into Henna, and really wants to start beading.  She’s starting middle school in the fall.  So her interests are changing.

She is saving up for some very specific items (and mom might help her out a bit, just because she’s a bit immobile and summer is going to be super long for her.

Boredom Buster #3 – Letter and Color Beads

Boredom Buster #4 The are of Henna Temporary Tattoo

Boredom Buster #5 – Coloring Pages

Printing a few coloring pages is a great way to keep all the kids amused. At home on rainy days, or when you’re out and about and need them NOT to run all over the place. They are easy to print, pack and go!!

Click here to visit

Click here to visit

These are just a few of the quick ideas I have come up with for my own kiddo crew (especially my older two). What are you doing this summer to keep your kids busy so they don’t tell you they’re bored every 5 1/2 minutes?


Talk soon,




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