It’s Hard to Believe We Only Have 100 Days Left
We Only Have 100 Days Left in 2018
As I write this quick blog post, it is September 20.
September 22 marks only 100 days remaining in 2018, AND we are only 10 days away from the beginning of Q4. The last and busiest quarter of the 2018.
We all know it’s traditionally the start of the busiest shopping season, but that’s not even so much what I’m talking about here.
The Busiest Time of Year for Moms
As moms we are already strapped for time. Kids are back in school, and many of them are back in after school activities as well. You still have to keep the house up, work on your home business (if you have one) or go to regular job, find time for relationships and work on your own personal goals.
All of those things are important and take up the majority of our days.
October starts and the extra stuff starts piling on:
- Halloween season
- Thanksgiving
- Christmas
- School holidays
- And then it’s the end of the year already
You need to be prepared with Halloween costumes and for all the Halloween parties and activities, then starts getting ready for the holidays, extra family commitments, extra shopping, extra food prep, decoration and on and on the list goes.
The fourth quarter is the most fun filled time of year, but it can also be the most stressful.
We want to be everything to everyone, and still have time to complete our own goals for the year.
Are you where you thought you’d be on this date?
Being honest, I still have a ways (a long ways) to go.

If you’re a Mom or Grandma like me maybe you can relate.
I start each day with a positive outlook, and I spend some time each morning before my kiddos get up being grateful, and enjoying a quiet cup of coffee.
It’s going to be a great day!
And then one of my kids is sick, or I get a call for an appointment that needs to happen, or my kids think it’s time for screaming auditions, or I get sidetracked in 100 other directions and then by the end of the day I’m feeling a little less positive and a little more exhausted. The next day I begin again.
I want to finish 2018 strong. I want to feel like I have made some progress on my goals and intentions, even if I wasn’t able to complete them all.
BUT, I also want to be a great mom and gramma to my kiddos and be available for them when they need me.
Maybe the solution is that it’s NOT one or the other, it’s both. Being a good mom and grandma IS one of my MAIN priorities. So maybe I am not as far off track as I think I am.
That said, I would still like to see progress in the other areas of my life as well.
I was looking for some inspiration this afternoon, and came across a video from Gary Ryan Blair (The Goals Guy), and it made a lot of sense to me.
Gary Ryan Blair is starting a 100 day challenge on September 22. This is the day that marks 100 days left in 2018. This challenge is aimed to help you set yourself up for success.
I actually went through a good portion of this challenge in the spring of this year. I found the information useful. It did help me get more focused on my own goals and priorities, and it did help me to focus my attention. I think it may be time for me to have a refresher.

Up to the launch, he is offering a free manifesto that includes a 7 point Finish Strong Checklist, as well as some free video training.
You can grab all this free information by clicking on my link above. He is starting the new 100 Day Challenge on September 22. Up until then, why not take advantage of all this free information.
The thing is…
I’m always going to be a mom, and I am likely going to only have a very limited time to work on my personal and business goals because my kids take up a huge chunk of my day (as they should). But I still want to feel like I’m moving in a forward direction.
With the end of the year coming so quickly, I am finding myself anxious to really get focused for this last quarter of the year. Even if my focused time can only be 2-3 hours early in the morning or after the kids go to bed, it needs to happen.
I am debating joining in on the Alumni Subscription so that I can go through the challenge again myself.
Talk soon,
P.S. Did you know you can get all of my updates by signing up to receive them directly into your inbox? This way you don’t miss any of my progress updates.
P.S.S. – Please take a minute to connect with me: Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest | Google+ | Twitter |LinkedIn
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