It’s NOT About How to Get Motivated: You’re Never Going to Feel Like It

I was reminded by a friend the other day about the 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins.  I’d listened to this audio book a couple times.  Once in February, and once in May.

I found it to be super helpful with what I was struggling with at the time.   Mel drove home the point that it’s not about how to get motivated, because I’m probably never going to feel like doing something.  I just need to do it anyway.  Problem was:   I didn’t take a lot of action ( or at least it didn’t last for more than a few days).

I purchased the audible version of it because I often like to listen while I’m doing other things (driving, folding laundry, playing a mindless game before bed).

What made this even better (for me) was that Mel Robbins herself doing the reading.  She doesn’t pull any punches, tells it like it is.  And you could hear that in her voice.  It made me really pay attention.

I went to look on Amazon yesterday because I thought it might be good to have a hard copy of the book as well.

I’m actually happy I bought the audible, and not the printed version.

Going through the Amazon reviews of the printed version many people said that the amount of Facebook posts were way over the top.  The reviews said that people just started to skim through that part of the book.

Many of the reviews said that although the Facebook posts were annoying they still got something out of the book, and others said they could have skipped the book purchase and got as much out of her TED talk.

The first time I heard this TED talk was probably 2 years ago. I found it really interesting, and I found Mel to be a very dynamic speaker … but I didn’t take any action.

Anyway, while I was on Amazon, I see Mel has just put out another audible book (and this one is only available on Audible), so I grabbed a copy of it.

It’s called Kick Ass with Mel Robbins. . It goes a step further than the 5 Second Rule.  Mel actually flies 8 different people to her and she does a personalized one on one coaching session with them, to get to the bottom of their sh*t. If you are a Mel Robbins fan, and want to grab a copy of it, that is my affiliate link.  Again this audio has nothing to do with How to get motivated.

Again this audio has nothing to do with How to get motivated.This audio book is very real, very candid and there is actually a warning on the page: **This product features adult language and themes**

Again this audio has nothing to do with How to get motivated, it’s about getting real and getting on with it.

I’m actually listening to it while I write this post to you!

Have you ever used Audible before?  I quite enjoy downloaded books to listen to as I’m doing other things.  Sometimes, if the book is one that I really want to study and make notes in, I will grab both the audio and printed versions of a book.

If you haven’t tried in the past, you can get this book for free by doing a free trial membership.  All you have to do is sign up through your Amazon account, download this book (or another of your choosing) and then each month you get an additional credit (for $14.95) to download another book.  It’s great, and you can cancel at anytime you find you aren’t using your membership anymore.

Okay, back to the book.

I actually had to stop writing this post to listen to Mel.  The first case study is with a women named Kim.  She is a 43 year old women, and I really connected with her because I feel like I do A LOT of the same stuff she does.

It made me stop everything else that I was doing and just listen because I felt really invested in this women’s story.

I can really relate with Kim.  I felt like many parts of her story are my exact story!

In the beginning of the session, she said something about.  I can’t be the only one thinking this way, and what’s inside my head is some crazy shit!

Kim is a rebel, Kim quits everything she starts because it’s easier than feeling the disappointment or doing the work or whatever.

That’s how I feel! 

I think Kim’s story will relates to thousands of us middle-age (forty or fifty something) women who think they must be absolutely crazy, and that they can’t be the only one.

If you are a forty or fifty something women, and you feel (like me) that you’re stuck, and can’t seem to move ahead, stop searching for how to get motivated.  Instead,  you should really grab a copy of both of the audio books.  The 5 Second Rule, and Kiss Ass with Mel Robbins. and learn how to get on with it even when you aren’t motivated.

The quote at the beginning of this post was from Mel Robbins – it says:

“You can’t control how you feel, but you can always choose how you act.”

I love that quote, because it’s so true.

It’s all about choices, we ALWAYS get a choice on how we act, or how we react to any given situation.

My way of taking action on this book, is to share it with you this afternoon.

What are you going to choose to do today, how are you going to respond?



Talk soon,




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