Christmas Shopping Online in Canada

One of my major “mom tasks” this weekend, is to start my Christmas shopping. I am terrible at leaving everything to December 15 and then being a huge stress ball trying to get everything bought and wrapped before Santa comes.

This year I want to have everything completely bought and wrapped BEFORE December 15.


Christmas Shopping Online in Canada

I am a hugely IN LOVE with online shopping in Canada. I HATE shopping – especially when:

  • The stores are busy and crowded
  • I don’t know what I’m looking for
  • I wonder aimlessly about using time that I don’t have
  • The stores that we have in my area are very limited in selection
  • I refuse to shop with my kids in store

I am also a very frugal mom, and look to save money where ever I can.

Shopping online in Canada is getting easier all the time, and in the last several years has really started to pick up in popularity and in what is available to buy online.  You can even find really good deals online.

For me, shopping online is way easier, more enjoyable, and more productive than going into any store.

I can do my shopping when the kids are at school/daycare, or when they are sleeping. I can do it in my PJ’s, with my coffee (or alternate beverage) go through my list, and strategically peg off all the items that I need.

Easy-peazy DONE!!

Ebates Canada Cash Back Rewards

Another thing that I AM OVERLY fond of is saving money and getting money back.

I love for that very reason.  I can open up Ebates in my browser (or on my mobile app) and if I click on a website through their link, I automatically get cash back.  It’s super simple.

I use to do a lot of online shopping in the United States through (for another business I was running).  I happened to take a look at that account today, and I’ve built it up to where I will be getting a “Big Fat Cheque” sent out to me November 15 that will come in super handy to do some more Christmas shopping.

I am doing most of my shopping in Canada these days, but I do have accounts with both and

If you haven’t joined yet, you really should, especially with this busy shopping season upon us.  It’s easy and it’s free.  AND Once you’ve signed up and do a little bit of shopping (that you have to get done anyway), you will get a cash bonus just for signing up.

Who doesn’t like to save money, right?

In the U.S.  right now the cash bonus is $10 if you sign up using my referral link, and in Canada, the cash bonus is $5.  Plus you can refer your friends and make some extra cash that way too!

Some of my favorite places in Canada to shop are:

  • (up to 5%)
  • Old Navy (up to 4%)
  • Best Buy (up to 3%)
  • The Bay (up to 4%)
  • Childrens’ Place (up to 1.5%)

Right now many of these stores are offering 2X’s cash back incentives, so check them out.

Speaking of – That’s exactly what I am going to do right now.  START MY ONLINE CHRISTMAS SHOPPING!!




Talk soon,




P.S.   Go take a minute right now, and get signed up.  Then pour yourself that glass of wine and get shopping.  Get the bonus cash back when you sign up through my links: and


P.S.S. – Please take a minute to connect with me: Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest | Google+ | Twitter |LinkedIn

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